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Re: freetts

At Sun, 20 Aug 2006 04:56:00 -0700,
T V Raman wrote:
> You should definitely be able to get Emacspeak to start up with a
> remote server.
> Do the following:
> (export  DTK_PROGRAM=name-of-remote-server; emacspeak
> This should do the job unless I'm missing something.
Hmm, I'll try it, but what about the remote port? I didn't think
DTK_PORT would work for that. I'm supposed to connect to localhost 2222
to use the server.

> And I'm glad you're trying this -- I've been meaning to get a Mac
> Notebook to play with VoiceOver -- the combination of VoiceOver
> to do  Mac things, while using Emacspeak to write software would
> be a very powerful combination.
That's exactly what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to have a GUI
environment, but, the problem I've got is that I can't find a decent
programmers editor to work under voiceover. I've got work to do, I can't
do without that, so at the moment I'm using two machines while I try
to work out if I can get this to work for me.

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