
Emacspeak-7.0 Debian package released

I have released a Debian package for the new Emacspeak-7.0.
You will find it at any Debian mirror site as follows:


This package supports only the DECtalk synthesizers.  It is not
compatible with my drivers for the DoubleTalk or Braille 'n Speak
synthesizers, so if you have those synthesizers you will have to wait
a bit.  I am working on updating those drivers, and will prepare Red
Hat and Slackware packages as well.  The Emacspeak package description

                             - Jim Van Zandt

 Emacspeak is a speech output system that will allow someone who
 cannot see to work directly on a UNIX system.  (Until now, the only
 option available to visually impaired users has been to use a talking
 PC as a terminal.)  Emacspeak is built on top of Emacs.  Once you
 start emacs with emacspeak loaded, you get spoken feedback for
 everything you do.  Your mileage will vary depending on how well you
 can use Emacs.  There is nothing that you cannot do inside Emacs :-).
 This package supports the DECtalk Express and DECtalk MultiVoice
 speech synthesizers.  For other synthesizers, look for separate
 driver packages.