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Re: espeak and emacspeak

"T. V. Raman" <raman@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> interesting. I failed with w3m too -- got as far as the file
> releases page which had an anchor <a href="#" ...> with a
> javascript call that did the expansion of the link. Could you
> post the URL that works with w3m --- would be useful to construct
> an url template that works across sf projects.

Here is the url that shows the project files:


however, it fails to show any projects using w3.

Here is the link I used wget to fetch:


I am curious as to why it fails in w3.

Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx

Perhaps they will have to outlaw sending random lists of words.  fee fie
foe foo [sic]
		-- Larry Wall in <199710311916.LAA19760@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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