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Re: Downloading files from sourceforge with w3m

T. V. Raman writes ("Re: espeak and emacspeak"):
> interesting. I failed with w3m too -- got as far as the file
> releases page which had an anchor <a href="#" ...> with a
> javascript call that did the expansion of the link. Could you
> post the URL that works with w3m --- would be useful to construct
> an url template that works across sf projects.

What I do is:

1. go to http://www.sf.net/projects/espeak/
2. Follow the 3rd link on the page that says:
"  * Jump to downloads for eSpeak: speech synthesis"
3.  Scroll down maybe 10 lines to the following two lines:
[espeak-1.18-source.zip]  658805   108       Any          Source
                 [Mirror]                                                 .zip  

The first link goes to:

This link can be used directly with w3m-wget to donwload the file from
a (slow) mirror.

The second link goes to a form to pick mirrors. After picking the
Swiss Switch mirror, I get to a page with a direct link to:


The lin can easily be found by choosing "Go to main content" at the
top and then scrolling down a few lines.

Maybe, it is required to turn on cookie support in w3m for some of this to work.

Best regards, Lukas

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