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Debian emacs-snapshot VM warning

I'm running emacs 22 from the cvs repository and have had no
issues with vm.

>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Cross <tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Tim> Just a quick heads up for anyone running Debian and
    Tim> using the emacs 22 snapshot from Debian "unstable". A
    Tim> new version was uploaded on the 8th Feb. However, i've
    Tim> found it won't complete the install due to problems with
    Tim> byte compiling VM. I'm not sure what the issue is yet,
    Tim> but I found when I tried to install the updated
    Tim> snapshot, it gives a message about compiling add-on
    Tim> packages, system load goes up significantly and it just
    Tim> never exits. To install the snapshot, I had to remove
    Tim> VM. After it is installed, attempts to install VM have
    Tim> the same symptoms.
    Tim> So, if your running emacs-snapshot and VM, avoid
    Tim> upgrading for the time being if you don't want to lose
    Tim> VM support. I will let the list know when the situation
    Tim> changes.
    Tim> regards,
    Tim> Tim
    Tim> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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    Tim> address on the emacspeak list send mail to
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