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Re: pulseaudio

Tim Cross wrote:
> Also note that I've seen quite a bit of traffic on the speechd mailing list
> regarding pulseaudio - they seem to have had a fair amount of problems with
> it and it would seem its a bit of a pain to get working reliably - too many
> version issues and getting all versions in a compatible config etc. Check
> the speechd list archives for more info.

Hello Tim and others,

it is a bit of pain to get used to the new approach introduced by
PulseAudio, but problems are the essence of software development.
I believe that PulseAudio may bring new qualities for the end users once
the problems get sorted out by developers and distributions.

I may only add that interoperability of different ATs was one of the
main aims of the Speech Dispatcher project and thanks to this Speechd-el
operates smoothly together with Orca under Gnome.  See
http://www.freebsoft.org/speechd-el for more information.

Best regards, Tomas.

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