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Re: Emacspeak on Ubuntu 8.10: best way to go about it?

Once you have run the voxm install script, the directory it was
unpacked in is no longer required. The voxim install script will put
the various files in the necessary locations. As you have the files
installed, it shouldn't be needed. 

I've never used the 'say'program that comes with voxim. Its not used
by emacspeak, so I can't help with that one. 

It may be a good idea to log in and out again. I dont think its
necessry, but doing it won't cause any harm. 

When you ran the voxim install script, did you get any errors?


David Ring writes:
 > OK now I updated so "locate" can find new files.
 >  locate enu50.so
 > /opt/IBM/ibmtts/lib/enu50.so
 > Also - after installing voxin and emacspeak, do I have to log out / log in?
 > Thanks
 > David
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