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Re: Emacspeak tutorial complete

Hello David,

BTW< sorry for the previous message just to you.  I hit the send before
I even typed anything.

"D.J.J. Ring, Jr." <n1ea@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I believe there was a need for an easy to understand "how to" to get
> emacspeak up and running. For many blind users it is a daunting task.

Oh, of course.  Don't misunderstand me, I fully agree that some good
beginner documentation was needed to get people started.  I just think
that, after getting started, it is really up to the user to progress.
It is good to ask questions and to seek clarification but it is too much
to take on the responsibility of writing a "complete" guide to emacs,
including emacspeak, gnus, vm, irc, org, ad infinitum.  The
documentation for the more widely used packages is out there already,
mostly up-to-date, and rather good for the most part.  While I'm not one
of those who thinks it should be completely up to the user to figure out
how to do everything by themselves, there is the adage "Give a man a
fish and feed him for a day.  Teach a man to fish and feed him for a

Hope I was more clear.

Take care,
Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx

If you're going to define a shortcut, then make it the base [sic] darn
shortcut you can.
		-- Larry Wall in <199709241628.JAA08908@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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