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Re: Organ Music

I added that line to my .emacs file, and I don't get any startup music
either. Something else must also be needed, but I'm not sure what right now.

On 29/10/11 21:02, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> Actually that line was in my ~/.emacs file already.
> ;;emacspeak
> (setq emacspeak-play-emacspeak-startup-icon t)
> ;;auditory icon initialisation
>      (setq emacspeak-auditory-icon-function 'emacspeak-play-auditory-icon)
>      (setq emacspeak-sounds-default-theme
> "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/sounds/chimes-mono/")
>      (emacspeak-toggle-auditory-icons 1)
> (setq emacspeak-aumix-midi-available-p "t")
> (setq emacspeak-aumix-multichannel-capable-p "t")
>  (when (emacspeak-sounds-theme-p "chimes-mono")
>                (emacspeak-sounds-select-theme "chimes-mono/" ))
> Does something look wrong that is the reason I don't get the organ?
> David
> On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 9:57 PM, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <n1ea@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi CJ,
>> Yes, it was the organ sound.  I'm going to add the line:
>> (setq emacspeak-play-emacspeak-startup-icon t)
>> I
>> Don't laugh at me.  I still use nano to edit files because I keep
>> forgetting the emacs file commands.
>> I'll learn..
>> David
>> On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 9:50 PM, Christopher Chaltain
>> <chaltain@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> No, I think he's still talking about the .emacs file. You can execute
>>> code fragments from your .emacs file if you want them active in your
>>> current session. There's nothing special about the scratch buffer in
>>> this sense.
>>> Wow, without having the complete thread attached below, it's impossible
>>> to provide much more help. I think someone was talking about the startup
>>> sounds, so to hear these, you'd have to set this variable inyour .emacs
>>> file, save the file and then restart Emacs.
>>> If you're just talking about the auditory icons, you can turn these on
>>> with C-e C-a or C-u C-e C-a to turn them on globally.
>>> On 29/10/11 20:05, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
>>>> Oh, now you must be talking about putting it in the scratch buffer
>>>> instead of directly into the ~/.emacs file.
>>>> I thought it was C-j to evaluate there, but I will use C-x C-e as you say.
>>>> Thank you very much.  I like organ music.  If anyone wants a good
>>>> music album there are two terrific ones - one is of the Atlantic City
>>>> boardwalk organ and the other one is of the Sidney, Australia Opera
>>>> House organ - two octaves below the lowest C of the piano or 8 Hz!
>>>> The pipe is 64 feet long and vibrates the whole room - if you have a
>>>> big speaker system - or commercial system - this is better than the
>>>> starting note in Thus Spoke Zarathustra (2001 Space Odyssey) which is
>>>> 16 cycles per second vibration.
>>>> You don't so much hear these notes but feel them - but the sensation
>>>> is very odd - it feels so strange!
>>>> David
>>>> On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 8:22 PM, Rob Hill <robhill@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Hello David,
>>>>> That's right.  You'll then have to place the cursor after the last
>>>>> right paren, and press c-x c-e to evaluate (activate) the variable.
>>>>> Don't forget to save it too.
>>>>> Rob
>>>>> D.J.J. Ring, Jr. writes:
>>>>>  > plain text, ISO-8859-1              [Press RETURN to display text]
>>>>> --
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>>> --
>>> Christopher (CJ)
>>> chaltain@xxxxxxxxxxx
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Christopher (CJ)

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