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Re: Error trying to run w3

Hi Robert,

I find the various different approaches and bits of advice more
confusing than helpful when it comes to getting viavoice outloud
working on a 64 bit system. This is partly because the different Linux
distros tend to handle 32 bit binaries on a 64 bit system a little
differently. Also, things can get complicated if you also want to run
64 bit tcl apps. Here is how I basically do it. (I tend to stick with
Debian/Ubuntu based distros)

1. Install viavoice using the voxin package. This will usually install
most of the necessary 32 bit libs

2. Move the atcleci.so library from the lib directory within the
servers/linux-outloud directory into the linux-outloud directory

3. Run the outloud script form the servers directory. You will
probably get some errors - nearly always about missing libs. You just
need to work through the process of installing these. Often the first
missing lib is the 32 bit version of tcl and tclx. I install them.
Depending on your platform and whether you need both 64 and 32 bit
versions, you may need to change the interpreter name listed at the
top of the outloud script so that it calls the correct version of tcl.
For example, on my system, I've installed the 8.5 version of the 64
bit Tcl and Tclx libs which I use for 64 bit stuff (it is linked to
tclsh as the default) and I install the 8.4 version of the 32 bit tcl
and tclx libs. I then have to change the interpreter line at the top
of the outloud script to /usr/bin/tclsh8.4 to make sure this script is
using the 32 bit version of tcl. 

The next thing which often needs to be installed is a 32 bit version
of the stdc++ lib. I just install that using apt-get and ensuring I
specify the i386 version. 

Sometimes, depending on the distro and its version, I may need to
install the 32 bit version of asound library plugins. At any rate, the
trick is to try running ./outloud on the command line after each new
bit is added until you hear outloud working. If it doesn't work, you
normally get a meaningful error message which tells you what library
it cannot load. Just follow the dots until all dependencies have been
met. Don't forget using things like ldd to see what libs are linked
against and where they are looking for files etc. 



Robert D. Crawford writes:
 > I upgraded the installation and that particular error seems to have
 > disappeared.  I have gotten another problem which I will include here.
 > After installation I am no longer able to use 32-outloud.  I get the
 > dreaded "Process speaker not running."  Outloud was installed from
 > Gilles voxin package.  This is also from where I initially installed
 > emacspeak.  Outloud was working then and is still working under orca.
 > When I try
 > ./32-outloud
 > I get the following errors:
 > rdc@xxxxxxxxxxx:/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers$ ./32-outloud 
 > couldn't load file "/usr/lib32/libtclx8.4.so.0": /usr/lib32/libtclx8.4.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 >     while executing
 > "load /usr/lib32/libtclx8.4.so.0"
 >     (file "./32-outloud" line 45)
 > rdc@xxxxxxxxxxx:/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers$
 > When I try using the method described in the Makefile I get this:
 > rdc@xxxxxxxxxxx:/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers$ tcl ./32-outloud 
 > No command 'tcl' found, did you mean:
 > tcl: command not found
 > rdc@xxxxxxxxxxx:/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers$ 
 > I assumed the correct tcl(x) libraries were installed with voxin,
 > perhaps I am wrong.  I was also under the assumption that the 32-outloud
 > is a precompiled server for use on 64-bit systems.  I have ensured the
 > DTK environment variables have been set but I don't know what else to
 > do.
 > Best regards,
 > rdc
 > "T. V. Raman" <tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
 > > Robert, 
 > >
 > > Not sure why you're hitting a recursive include on  that module.
 > >
 > > Thanks for pointing out the uncommented timestamp line by the way
 > > -- I fixed it in svn.  Could you please update from svn, do a
 > > make clean, make config and make?
 > -- 
 > Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx
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