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emacspeak-ss-0.4: Speech servers for emacspeak

I have uploaded to the blinux ftp site:

	emacspeak-ss-0.6.tar.gz 41129 bytes

New with this version:

The Apollo server supports indexing.  This is untested code - please
let me know if it works.

DoubleTalk LT and LiteTalk synthesizers are interrogated, so tone
commands will only be issued if the hardware supports them.

The script "testit" records lots more context in its output file

All the speech servers invoke the icon file "drip.au" instead of
"progress.au", which recent emacspeak packages do not provide.

I reprint the package description below.

                            - Jim Van Zandt

This package has servers for four synthesizers under emacspeak:
  1) DoubleTalk PC (internal) version 5.20 or later and DoubleTalk LT
version 4.20 or later from R. C. Systems <http://www.rcsys.com/>, and
the LiteTalk version 2.10 or later.
  2) Braille 'n Speak, Type 'n Speak, and Braille Lite from Blazie
Engineering <http://www.blazie.com>
  3) Accent SA
  4) Apollo 2 from Dolphin (experimental)

You can access the Blinux FTP archive through:
You'll find the package in the  blinux/emacspeak/blinux/ directory

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