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emacspeak speaking engine for personal needs

Hi folks!

I would like to use emacspeak speaking possibilities from within my
own custom commands.  But I have found some difficulties with speaking
out several messages one by one.  For example, i have written the
following simple routine to read text continuously sentence by
sentence.  However it just passes silently through all text or reads
only some part.

;;; This reads buffer sentence by sentence

(defun my-read-book ()
  (dtk-set-punctuations 'none)
  (let ((old (point)))
    (while (re-search-forward sentence-end nil t)
       (buffer-substring-no-properties old (point)))
      (setq old (point))

What is wrong with this code?  Or maybe it is a problem with my speech
server?  Has anyone this code working?

Thanks. Dmitry

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