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Re: i am new at emacs and emacspeak

Hi listers,

Boy,  am I making progress, or what? I just listened to the news on npr
online with w3 under emacspeak. Well, for me, it's a big deal.

Q. I cannot find a w3-fetch.el or w3-fetch.elc lisp file in the site-lisp
directory. Yet, the command works. How come? I find lots of w3 lisp
scripts. Can these be executed from the prefix command also? for example,
can I run M-x w3-hotindex to get some default bookmarks? or are many of
these w3 scripts imbeded or called recursively from another script?

The w3 package doesn't have much documentation. Where do I find w3 docs.
(I will check info).

Q. Tab goes from link to link. But Shift-tab does not. How do I back-tab
through my links?

q. How do I read a whole page and stop-resume speech in w3? I have noticed
that the arrow keys don't work. they just go up and down in the buffer.
Where are the w3 keys documented?

Thanks again, very much.

I have a blind friend who listened while was running emacspeak and w3 and
playing the npr hourly newscast. I think I turned him on to emacs and

Billy G

On 24 May 2001, Dmitry Paduchih wrote:

>           Hi Bill,
> >>>>> "BG" == Bill Gaughan writes:
> BG> Q. What key binding invokes the w3 browser from emacspeak?
> M-x w3-fetch <RET> http://www.some.where.com <RET>
> BG> Q. How do I invoke the w3 browser from emacs without emacspeak (I have a
> BG> braille display).
> dito
> BG> Q. Where is the best source of information and documentation to learn
> BG> emacs and emacspeak for someone who is computer savvy?
> The first thing to do -- be sure You have gotten all that Control-h
> stuff which supplies help in Emacs.
> Type C-h C-h and then go to the *help* buffer for this.
> Next You can read:
> - Emacs tutorial, Control h t
> - Info pages, control h i
> including info for Emacspeak and very detailled info for Emacs.
> - Emacspeak FAQ and documentation is also on the keys C-e F and C-e D.
> Regards. -- Dmitry
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