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Weekly readings are specified below. A “+” indicates additional readings will be made available via a link from this page.
Lecture slides in PDF are obtained by clicking on the link to the topic.
Homeworks (prefixed with “HW”) are exercises that you should complete before the class labeling the row in which they appear. These will not be handed in or graded, but provide background to the lecture and it will be assumed you have completed them. The due date for each of the four large (graded) assignments (prefixed with “A”) will be specified in the assignment description.
Please note that this schedule is tentative and may change as the semester progresses. Please visit this page often!
Date | Topic | Reading | Assignments | Supplemental materials |
1/22 | Introduction (PPT) | J&M Ch. 1 | | |
1/27 | Finite state automata, finite state transducers, and morphology (PPT) | NLTK Ch. 1, J&M Ch. 3 pp. 45-68. | | |
2/3 | Introduction to NLTK and Python (PPT) | NLTK Ch. 3, 4 | | Python3.5 tutorial |
2/5 | Introduction to Machine Learning | Key Ideas in Machine Learning | | | |
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2/10 | Machine learning (con't): Naive Bayes and sentiment analysis | J&M Edition 3, Chapter 4 | | | |
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2/12 | Language models, probabilistic approaches, n-grams | J&M Ch. 4 (through 4.5.2), NLTK Ch. 2 | | | |
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2/17 | Weka overview | Data Mining, Ch. 11.1-4, 11.6-8 | | | |
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2/19 | Automatically determining word meaning: word embeddings | | J&M ch.6 (3rd ed.), , NLTK Ch. 6 | | |
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2/26 | Sentiment Analysis | J&M ch. 6 (3rd ed.), J&M ch. 18 (3rd ed.) R1 | | |
3/5 | Information extraction, named entity recognition | | | | |
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3/26 | Part of Speech Tagging, HMMs | J&M Ch. 9 (3rd ed.),J&M Ch. 10 (3rd ed.), NLTK Ch. 5 | | Viterbi handout Project proposal guidelines |
4/2 | Lexical Semantics, word sense disambiguation | J&M ch. 15 (3rd ed.), J&M ch. 16 (3rd ed.), J&M ch. 17 (3rd ed.) | | |
4/9 | Vector semantics Neural nets | J&M Ch. 8 (3rd ed.) | | |
4/16 | Parsing | J&M Ch. 12 (3rd ed.), J&M Ch. 13 (3rd ed.), J&M Ch. 14 (3rd ed.); NLTK Ch. 8 | | |
4/23 | Discourse | J&M Ch. 21 | | |
4/30 | Project presentations | Presentation outline | | |
5/2 | Project presentations | | | |
5/15 | Poster session, 3-5PM Olmsted Atrium | Poster template (PPT) Poster contents | | |