Frequently Asked Questions

I'm thinking about declaring the Computer Science major. When and how can I do that?

To declare the major, students need to meet at least one of the following two requirements:

  • Have completed CMPU-102 or CMPU-145 with a grade of C or higher.
  • Have completed CMPU-101 with a grade of C or higher, be currently enrolled in CMPU-102 or CMPU-145, and have received a midterm exam grade of B− or above.

If you meet the requirements and are interested in declaring the major, please fill out and submit this form so you can be assigned an advisor.

I'm thinking about declaring a second major in Computer Science. When and how can I do that?

To declare a second major in Computer Science, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • You must have already declared a major.
  • You must have completed CMPU-102 and CMPU-145 with grades of C or higher.
  • You must need no more than two CMPU courses at Vassar (not counting Study Abroad) per semester for each of your remaining semesters before graduation.

If you meet the requirements and are interested in declaring the major, please fill out and submit this form so you can be assigned an advisor.

I'm thinking about declaring the Computer Science correlate. When and how can I do that?

To declare the correlate, students need to meet at least one of the requirements listed above for declaring the major, and have previously declared a major other than Computer Science. In order to get your correlate declaration form approved you must need no more than one CMPU course per semester at Vassar before you graduate. If you are interested in declaring the correlate, please contact a non-visiting faculty member in the department.

What are the requirements for a CS correlate?

Beginning Fall 2024, Computer Science 102 and 145; 240 or 241, plus at least one additional 200-level Computer Science course and one graded 300-level Computer Science course. Students are advised to consult with the department to determine the courses most appropriate to their interests. No course numbered 200 or higher may be elected NRO and counted toward the requirements for the correlate. An average grade of C (2.0) or higher across correlate courses is required.

What prerequisites are needed for CMPU-100 and CMPU-101?

There are no prerequisites for either CMPU-100 or CMPU-101. Both courses start with the basics and builds incrementally from there.

What if I've never done any programming before and I'm not very mathematically inclined? Is it possible for me to learn how to program?

Certainly! Both CMPU-100 and CMPU-101 have weekly lab sessions in which students gain hands-on experience programming. The professor and multiple student coaches are always on hand to assist with any questions that may come up during the lab. This kind of one-on-one guidance has proven to be very helpful.

How do we access software needed to do assignments?

Every Computer Science student gets their own CS Department computer account that has access to all of the software used in any CS course.

I know Java, can I place out of CMPU-101?

If you received a 4 or 5 on the AP Computer Science A exam, you can place out of 101 and take either CMPU-102 or CMPU-145. Please contact the department chair for special permission.

I have a conflict with the lab. Can I come late/leave early?

Unfortunately, if you have a conflict with the lab, the registrar considers it a conflict with the course and will not let you register. Our labs have been carefully scheduled to accommodate the course's content, including midterm tests and hands-on activities that can take the whole time period. If you want to take a CMPU course, you must be able to attend the full time of all lectures and all labs.

Many of our courses use the extended lab time to give exams and it is imperative that you have the whole time period to finish.

I have a conflict with one lab, but I can make the other. Can I switch labs sections?

Our lab sessions are closely linked with the lectures, and you are expected to attend that lab that corresponds to your lecture's section. We understand that scheduling conflicts and other commitments can result in difficult choices, but switching to another lab section is not permitted. This policy is in place to ensure the smooth functioning of our lab sessions and to maintain fairness for all students. Lab sections are carefully organized to align with the course content, and any changes disrupt this structure.]]

What can I do after graduation?

Please see this helpful guide from the Center for Career Education

to come…