Course Title / Link to Course Page Faculty
CMPU-100-51 Programming with Data Stapleton
CMPU-100-52 Programming with Data Falcone
CMPU-101-51 Problem-Solving and Abstraction Smith
CMPU-101-52 Problem-Solving and Abstraction Erickson
CMPU-102 Data Structures and Algorithms Lemieszewski
CMPU-145-51 Foundations of Computer Science Hunsberger
CMPU-145-52 Foundations of Computer Science Gommerstadt
CMPU-203 Software Design and Implementation Meireles
CMPU-224 Computer Organization Waterman
CMPU-240 Theory of Computation Hunsberger
CMPU-241-51 Analysis of Algorithms Falcone
CMPU-241-52 Analysis of Algorithms Erickson
CMPU-250 Data and its Discontents Stapleton
CMPU-331 Compilers Gommerstadt
CMPU-334 Operating Systems Waterman