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Re: Dr. Raman in the New York Times

Kalyan Mukherjea <kalyan.infinity@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Question: would it be possible for me to learn Braille at the age of
> 65? 

Not that I've learned Braille, but the Braille teacher from the
Vocational Rehabilitation center I went to for evaluation had a few
students in her class that were certainly over 50.  If I had to hazard a
guess I would say that it is less a function of age than physical
ability.  I tried to distinguish between a few easy characters on a
large cell card but could not.  I have to mention though that I have
considerable scar tissue on my fingers from testing blood glucose for
2 decades, carpal tunnel in both wrists (only one of which was bad
enough for a release) and I might be showing a bit of nerve degradation
in my extremities.

> Finally wishing all Emacspeakers, a very bright and happy 2009,

And the same to you Kalyan,
Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx

Soldiers who wish to be a hero
Are practically zero,
But those who wish to be civilians,
They run into the millions.

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