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Should we use the emacspeak speech back-end system-wide in Vinux?

The emacspeak speech backend is extremely responsive and snappy
-- because it was written to do what it does very well.

I'd personally recommend you examine how that is build, and
create a dbus-based wrapper for each engin. What makes the
 emacspeak servers snappy is the queue implementation and the way
 it dispatches speech to the backend - there is nothing black-box
 about it.

Start small,take the various engine, and dont abstract too
much in your ackend, kep it simple, light-weight and have it do
one and only one thing -- mediate between apps andthe speeh
engine via dbus. Let apps manage engine-specific bits themselves
--  trying to lump that with the backend only causes trouble
--because speech-egines tend to be very different, and Linux
doesn't have that many good speech engines to start with.
Best Regards,

Best Regards,

On 9/27/10, Bill Cox <waywardgeek@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm having trouble with speech-dispatcher in Ubuntu Maverick.  I have
> to login to Gnome to get it working.  The 0.7 version has basically
> dropped support for global sources of sound, like speakup, so far as I
> can tell.  I have to compile my own hacked up copy of speechd-up o get
> any speech at all.
> So, I am considering giving up on speech-dispatcher and seeing if
> using the emacspeak back-end could be extended to work with speakup,
> SBL, and yasr.  While I haven't tried it, I read that emacspeak
> provides a superior back-end for Orca already.  I may be able to make
> this the default back end for the upcoming Vinux release based on
> Ubuntu Maverick.  Is this a good or a bad idea?  If switching to the
> emacspeak back-end is desirable, what's the best way to get it working
> with speakup and other tools?
> Thanks,
> Bill
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