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CLI versus GUI [was "Re: The great software speech server hunt"]

I'd be curious to take a look at this study myself, although I'm a bit
dubious. I've been using the GUI since 1991 when Screen Reader/2 came
out for OS/2, and given the proper accessibility, I think the blind can
get the same advantages from the GUI that the sighted get. I'm also
curious if this article implies that the blind are somehow disadvantaged
when using the GUI. IMHO, the CLI and the GUI each have there advantages
and disadvantages, and whether you prefer one over the other depends on
who you are, how you use your computer and what you'll be using it for.
This is true for the blind and the sighted alike.

On 28/01/12 23:03, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> Not in my files any longer.  I think I was so shocked when I read that 
> message I forgot to save it but did forward it to another person who is 
> very interested in accessibility and ways it is and isn't accomplished.
> On Sun, 29 Jan 2012, Jason White wrote:
>> Jude DaShiell <jdashiel@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I have been fully blind from birth and that's why I do better with 
>>> C.L.I. than G.U.I. too acording to a study released a few years ago from 
>>> R.N.I.B. 
>> Do you have a reference to the study mentioned above?
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> Jude <jdashiel-at-shellworld-dot-net>
> <http://www.shellworld.net/~jdashiel/nj.html>
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Christopher (CJ)

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