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Re: vm mailer questions


	I have embedded my responses within your message (which I have
edited to conserve space)

Ann K. Parsons writes:
> First, does VM have an address book feature?  I looked through all the

No, vm does'nt have an address book of its own. I use bbdb (big
brother database) which provides this sort of functionality (plus lots
more). If you have an rpm based system, you can probably find an rpm
version of bbdb in the contrib section of redhat (there certainly use
to be one).

> Second, how do I attach files to my messages?

To attach a file (as in a MIME attachment) use C-c C-a. You will be
asked to select a file (and given a completion buffer of files if you
hit tab). You will then be asked to specify the mime type - the
default will usually be ok and then finally asked to provide a 1 line
description for the file. If you just want to insert a file rather
than making it an attachment you can use C-x i

> Third, how do I import a file into an msg.  I do this often, creating
> a message out of a mailer for easy editing and then inserting the text
> into an msg.  I didn't see anything about that either.

There are a few ways of doing this. If your data is in a file, you can
just use C-x i. If its in a buffer (and perhapse not saved to a file),
you can use the emacs registers (copy the buffer to a register and
then paste the register into the mail message) or you can do a
cut/copy and paste using the clipboard (which can be slow for large
amounts of data). Actually, there are a lot of alternatives, but these
are probably the main ones. I tend to use C-x i most of the time as
the data I want to insert is usually in a file or I want to store a
copy of it in a file.

> Fourth, I attampted to forward an msg this morning.  The problem was
> that I couldn't see the text I was forwarding.  I own a couple of list

Normally, when you forward a message (using z) it puts the message you
are forwarding into rfc822 mesage format and includes it as an
attachment. If you just want to add text to the forwarded message, you
can enter a couple of carriage returns to create some blank space
above the attachment and put your text in there.

If you want to edit the forwarded message, you have two
choices. Firstly, you can open the message you want to forward and
edit it. To do this, just type e when you have the message open within
vm, make your changes/additons, type C-c C-c to save your changes (or
C-c C-] to abort them), then z to forward the message. 

The second alternative is to edit the forward buffer. When you hit z
to forward a message, emacs creates a "forward" buffer with the
message in it. This buffer is usually called something like "forward
of message to ....". You can find this buffer by doing a C-x C-b to
get a list of buffers which you can then move through to find the
appropriate buffer, switch to it, make your changes, save it and then
go back to the original mail buffer and send your message. I think
this is probably the harder/more complicated method but tell you
because different people like doing things in different ways etc. 

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