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Re: Need Help for Linux/EmacSpeak Install At Install Fest in Bethesda, Md

   Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 23:35:48 -0400
   Resent-from: emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx
   From: srajiv@xxxxxxxxxxx
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   I am a lay computer user who has signed up for Saturday's Linux Install
   Fest in Bethesda, Maryland. I am planning to install EmacSpeak 11.0 with
   Linux. I will also be needing a software synthesizer, ViaVoice Outloud from
   IBM (I don't know whether I should obtain this product before I arrive). I
   wanted to give anyone who can help a heads up in advance so that I can be
   well prepared for the process on Saturday. Also, I would like to inform you
   that I will be bringing my Toshiba 335 Satellite laptop which is currently
   running Windows 98.

How much space do you have on your laptop? (I'm wondering if you may want to 
have both Win98 and Linux on your laptop)

I have both Linux and Win98 on my laptop.

Are you going to put Debian, Red Hat or Caldera on your laptop?

   I would appreciate your prompt reply on how best to ensure that the process
   runs smoothly.


   Rajiv Shah

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Wow! I sure would like to be there when you are: When do you plan to show up?

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