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Re: Emacspeak 13.0 post-install

Raman -

root's umask is 022 here as well.

"install -d" would create directories with permissions 755.  However,
neither realaudio nor the directories under it are made that way.
(Try "make -n install|grep -e -d".)  I suspect another scenario: that
when you installed emacspeak, it was over a working installation so
the directory permissions were inherited from before.  What happens
with "make uninstall; make install"?

	     - Jim Van Zandt

>Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 18:53:16 -0800
>Cc: ramantv@xxxxxxxxxxx, emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx
>From: "T. V. Raman" <ramantv@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>What happens on redhat doing the make install (this is RH
>6.0 and 6.2 ) is as follows:
>1) in my RCS dev tree the subdirs unde rrealaudio were
>   created 700 --due to my umask.
>2) make install was doing an  cp -r after doing an install
>   -d 
>--and with a umask of 022 for root the directories were
>getting created correctly.
>I've fixed the permissions in my dev tree --
>also, Jason had spotted this problem in late October --but
>in fixing it I meant to add a 
>chmod go+rX to the Makefile --but ended up omitting the X.
>Best Regards,
>Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
>WWW: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/             
>PGP:    http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/raman.asc 

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