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Re: emacspeak calculator?

Isn't that a typo below?

Should this:

(dired "/ftp@xxxxxxxxxxx:/pub/gnu//calc" nil)

Be this instead maybe:

(dired "/ftp@xxxxxxxxxxx:/pub/gnu/calc" nil)

Thank you for this interesting note, and I agree, "Calc is wonderful!".

Also, those of you that are interested in GNU Calc for GNU Emacs might also
be interested in "ESS" (another package for GNU Emacs), especially if you are
interested in statistics etc.

Also, are you the Robert Chassell that wrote: "Introduction to GNU Emacs Lisp"?

If so; its a pleasure to hear from, now that is an excellent manual.

I enjoyed every bit of it.

It should be the first book mastered by every computer user and Emacspeak user.

It should be the first book used in grade school when first learning how to
use or program a computer.

Being readily able to extend Emacs is a transcendental experience.

This is in fact what Raman did when he created Emacspeak!

The "Introduction to GNU Emacs Lisp" book will help users to extend Emacs, and
it is simple and easy to comprehend.

And you can't beat the price!  The book is available on-line so its free!

Robert J. Chassell writes:
 >    Q. How do I invoke the emacs calculator. 
 > M-# M-#
 > i.e., the meta key (may be called `alt' on recent keyboards) and the
 > sharp-sign key (which on a QWERTY keyboard is usually shift-3)
 >     I assume it comes with emacs. 
 > GNU Calc does come with Emacs, but not in the same package.  This is
 > because in the old days, the calc tar file was considered large.  It
 > was separated out to keep the overall Emacs tar file small.
 > The current compressed tar file, calc-2.02f.tar.gz  is 831,865 bytes
 > You can get it from:
 >   /ftp@xxxxxxxxxxx:/pub/gnu/calc/calc-2.02f.tar.gz
 > To look at the directory, evaluate this expression:
 >         (dired "/ftp@xxxxxxxxxxx:/pub/gnu/calc" nil)
 > Or use one of the mirror sites:
 >         (dired "/ftp@xxxxxxxxxxx:/pub/gnu/calc" nil)
 >         (dired "/ftp@xxxxxxxxxxx:/archives/gnu/prep/calc" nil)
 >         (dired "/ftp@xxxxxxxxxxx:/pub/gnu//calc" nil)
 > After you have downloaded the calc-2.02f.tar.gz file, untar it and then
 > take a look at the INSTALL and README files.  Essentially, to build
 > and install Calc run 
 >     make install
 > Do read the manual, or at least those parts that are relevant to you.
 > The manual is big and complete (actually, the Calc manual is two
 > manuals, a tutorial and a reference manual, but I look at them as one.
 > I think the Info file combines the two also.)
 > Calc is wonderful!
 > -- 
 >     Robert J. Chassell                  bob@xxxxxxxxxxx
 >     Rattlesnake Enterprises             http://www.rattlesnake.com
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