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outloud and w3

It is a bug with the debian package.  building emacspeak from cvs fixes it.  haven't tracked it down as yet.

just thought I'd post this so if anyone else has the same trouble they know to rebuild from source.


T. V. Raman writes:
 > Looks like a bug >>>>> "Bart" == Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
 >     Bart> Hi, Before I begin, I realise that there are
 >     Bart> problems with w3 and emacs21.
 >     Bart> This, however seems to be different to anything
 >     Bart> I've heard about.
 >     Bart> When I try and use w3 with emacs 21.1.1, the
 >     Bart> debian package of w3, which is taken from cvs,
 >     Bart> emacs15 and outloud, I get the following error on
 >     Bart> nearly every web page I try and render.
 >     Bart> Downloading of `file:/usr/share/doc/vm/vm_1.html'
 >     Bart> complete.  Drawing... \ outloud-speech-style-gain
 >     Bart> accessing a non-outloud-speech-style
 >     Bart> Drawing... done Emacspeak pronunciations have been
 >     Bart> re-activated in this buffer condition-case:
 >     Bart> outloud-speech-style-gain accessing a
 >     Bart> non-outloud-speech-style
 >     Bart> The same page loads fine using the dectalk.  I've
 >     Bart> had a poke around in the sources but can't seem to
 >     Bart> find what is going on.  All the relevant stuff
 >     Bart> seems to be defined for outloud.
 >     Bart> Please forgive me if there is something
 >     Bart> refferencing this on the net, as I'm currently in
 >     Bart> Canada and my only available synth at the moment
 >     Bart> is outloud, making web browsing impossible :) or
 >     Bart> at least very difficult.
 >     Bart> Any help or suggestions on where to look or how to
 >     Bart> get more information on what is going wrong is
 >     Bart> greatly apreciated.
 >     Bart> TIA
 >     Bart> Bart
 >     Bart> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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 > -- 
 > Best Regards,
 > --raman
 > Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
 > WWW: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/             
 > AIM: TVRaman
 > PGP:    http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/raman.asc 

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