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Re: The ViaVoice tts

Hi Kalyan,

I do not know the reason for your particular problem with w3, but in
my experience, many w3 problems are solved by using the CVS versions
of w3 an the URL package. Install the url package first and make sure
 w3 uses that version when compiling. To get the CVS versions, do:

M-x emacspeak-cvs-gnu-get-project-snapshot RET url
M-x emacspeak-cvs-gnu-get-project-snapshot RET w3

Regards, Lukas

Kalyan Mukherjea writes ("Re: The ViaVoice tts"):
> Hi Tim,

> Well I tried using w3 instead of w3m: with the following peculiar
> result.
> When I go to 
> http://www.emacspeak.blogspot.com
> using W3, the page which opens up has 33 lines.
> It ends with Raman's statement of purpose; none of the blogs are
> present!
> When   I visit the same site with w3m the page has 508 lines! and I
> can do an I-search to reach the post I am looking for and read it.
> What could the problem be?
> Cheers.
> Kalyan
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