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"krishnakant Mane" <krmane@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> the answer lies in your above statement itself.  will it not be good
> if even blind people create visually appealing documents for sited
> people.  afterall our world is not limited to only people like us?
> and although our world is full of one colour (dark black).  we can
> still percieve things by imagination.  and when we deal with sited
> world they wil be more impressed (customers, team leaders, boss etc.)
> if we create visually appealing properly formatted documents.  in some
> cases it even becomes a must to do so in the commertial world.  so
> making a rich presentation is equally important for a blind person
> with the exception of making a document for another blind person.

Point well taken.  IN this case, I think you would be better served
using some kind of markup language and trusting that the renderer is
doing the right thing.  Allowing a sighted person to proof the document
also works well.  I think what you use depends on your needs.  You
mention that you do a lot of pdf documents.  It is my opinion that you
should learn LaTeX.  It is intended to output perfectly formatted print
documents and this seems to fit your criteria.  LaTeX basics are not
terribly difficult to learn and there are tutorials all over the
internet to help you along.  

> ok, so when we use w3 is it possible to hear all these attributes?
> and how?  could you please explain?

With a tts that supports voice attributes (voices become deeper, higher,
monotone, etc.) the voice will change to indicate these things.  For
example, if you have a sentence that looks like this in html:

Before reading this sentence in emacspeak, you might want to turn on all
punctuation via the C-e d p command.  When it prompts for mode, type in

<p>This sentence has some <b>bold</b> text and some <i>italic</i> text
as well.</p>

In a buffer that is in html mode (editing the text, not rendered) all
the html tags get spoken in a voice that is deeper.  In a w3m buffer
only the text inside the bold tag is changed.  In a w3 buffer both the
text inside the bold tag and the italics tag is changed.

> what I again want to know is that can I actually read the html page
> directly converted from pdf.  here the asumtion I am making is that
> the page is a simple html document with a few bolded and underlined
> words here and there and some where center alignment and a few headers
> like <h1> or <h2> to give some headings to the document.

Here is what I would do in that case.

M-x shell

then, at the prompt I would type

rdc@xxxxxxxxxxx:~$ pdftohtml document.pdf document.html

then I would switch to my w3 buffer and type


to open a local file and give the path to the file when I was prompted. 

Does this make things clearer?

Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx

  The first condition of immortality is death. -Stanislaw Lec

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