Command 'Please' not found
If you see this when you use SSH to log into a system
Command 'Please' not found, did you mean: command 'please' from deb pleaser (0.5.1-4ubuntu0.22.04.1) Try: apt install <deb name>
and each time you enter a command, this error message is displayed, then something is not right. This means you are logged into a system you should not be logging into but only using as a proxy or gateway. What is likely causing this is that you have some software configuration in your environment that is not finding the software on the system you are logged into. In particular, users have seen this when logging into the gateway server, hostname=mote. Users should not be logging into that host but using that host to jump to an internal system such as a classroom workstation. You need to setup your SSH session from your remote device to use a ~/.ssh/config file. However, a short term work around is to comment out the entries in your ~/.bash_profile for the application “ocaml”. That is the issue here at this site since “ocaml” is used in some of the classes and the environment is setup from ~/.bash_profile.