Logging out of the Computer Science Computers
Leaving files open in editors such as pluma and emacs, or leaving applications running can lead to corrupt files and loss of your work because your files are not local to any computer. Your files are shared from a central server. Therefore, if you leave an application open on one computer and then go to another computer, you have several devices trying to access your files. Applications don’t like this. Firefox, for example, won’t allow you to start. You will learn about this concept of non-reentrant during the course of your studies. Please correctly exit your session. Details follow on how to use the remote desktop webUI. Similar steps are necessary when you work locally, siƫting in front of the computer as well.
1. Login with your username/CS Dept Password on https://remote.cs.vassar.edu.
NOTE: If you are in a classroom or lab, press the [Esc] key to reload the login prompt and then enter your username, press [Enter] and then enter your CS Dept account password and press [Enter].
2. When logging in via the webUI from hostname=remote, select a workstation to connect to from the drop-down menu. The desktop to that workstation appears as though you were siƫting in front of that computer and just logged in locally.
3. Do your work.
4. Close (i.e. exit out of) ALL applications when you are done so that there is nothing open on your desktop.
5. Log out from the workstation via one of two ways. Both ways require three steps. (Four steps if you include closing the browser on your remote computer.)
5a. Upper right-hand corner of the top menu bar click on the gear icon and from the drop-down menu select “Log Out…” Do not select any other option. Log Out is generally located third up from the bottom. Click [Log Out…].
5b. From the upper left-hand corner of the screen choose the drop-down menu and at the very bottom just below 'Control Center“ there are three icons to Exit the session, Lock the session, or Turn Off the device. Click on the icon at the very bottom left to “Exit the Session”.
6. A pop up message box appears and prompting “Log out of this session now? If you really want to log out otherwise after 60 seconds you will be logged out.” Click [Log Out].
7. Finally, if you are logged in through the webUI one of two things will occur. Either way click [Disconnect] or [Logout] and your browser will push you back to the default login page which you can then close.
NOTES on Remote Logouts
1. Once you select to [Log Out] or “Exit the Session” and then click on the pop-up to [Log Out], then you will get a pop up message box titled “Disconnect”. Click [Disconnect] or [Logout] to end your session.
2. Once you select to [Log Out] or “Exit the Session” the process begins to prep so if you hesitate to click on the pop-up to [Log Out], then you may get a pop-up message box titled “Connection Error”. Click [Logout] to end your session.