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Student Activities

Feedback Form

Use this anonymous form to submit any thoughts or concerns you have on a class, a professor, the department, or anything else you'd like to tell the major's committee.

Major's Committee Contacts

If you'd like to contact the major's committee directly their contact information is as follows:

  • Piper Yang (Chair) :
    • Sunday: 8-9:30pm
    • Monday: 7:30 - 9:30pm
    • Tuesday: 6:30-9:30pm
    • Wednesday: 2:45-5:15pm

  • Amy O’Connell (Co-Chair):
    • Monday/Wednesday:
      • 10:00am - 11:30am
      • 1:30pm - 2:30pm
      • 4:00pm - 5:00pm
      • Friday: 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Name: Piper Yang
Class year: 2019
Where I’m from: Edina, Minnesota
Major/ correlates: Computer Science major, Math and Religion correlate
Something people might not know about me: I have three pet chickens back at home named Mochi, Marlene and Nugget (they are very cute so if you want pictures I gotchu).
What common programming mistake are you?: Off by one error because most of the time I’m almost there, but not quite.
Favorite thing about CS: The community. When you spend over ten hours a week struggling through assignments in the Asprey lab alongside your fellow majors, you end up forming a pretty tight bond with everyone.

Name: Griffin Berlstein
Class year: 2019
Where I’m from: Norfolk, Connecticut (basically the middle of nowhere)
Major/ correlates: Computer Science Major, Math Correlate (Fallen Major)
Something people might not know about me: My hair is purple on occasion
What common programming mistake are you?: Ill-advised multithreading because I’m often multi-tasking rather than focusing
Favorite thing about CS: Linux can run on literally anything, including a toaster. Also applying machine learning to completely mundane tasks.

Name: Amy O’Connell
Class year: 2020
Where I’m from: Raleigh
Major/ correlates: CS major + premed
Something people might not know about me: My full name is Allison Amydell O’Connell
What common programming mistake are you?: Infinite recursion - I often get distracted doing one thing over and over again.
Favorite thing about CS: Feeling like a superhero when my code works, especially after working on it for a long time.


VC++ is Vassar’s only computer science centered org. Our goal is to build a strong computer science community on campus. This year we’re working on creating a student-run makerspace, setting up an interview prep & study group, and running multiple workshops.
Contact or for more information.