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Student Activities

Feedback Form

Use this anonymous form to submit any thoughts or concerns you have on a class, a professor, the department, or anything else you'd like to tell the major's committee.

Major's Committee Contacts

  • Abby Kotar (Vice Chair):
    • Office Hours: by appointment through email
  • Dafne Arreola (Events Manager):
    • Office Hours: by appointment through email
  • Sharon Llanes (Asst. Events Manager):
    • Office Hours: by appointment through email

Name: Sarah Valencia (she/her)
Class year: 2024
Where I’m from:San Diego, CA
Majors/ correlates: Computer Science and Economics, with hopes for a correlate in mathematics.
Something people might not know about me: I played competitive softball for 10 years.
What common programming mistake are you?: Typos. I try to type as fast as my brain thinks and that has led to many spelling errors.
Favorite thing about CS: Finishing an assignment that was really hard. It is one of the most rewarding feelings.

Name: Sharon Llanes (she/her)
Class year: 2026
Where I’m from: Riviera Beach, Florida
Major/ correlates: Computer Science and Political Science correlate
Something people might not know about me: I put milk first before I put my cereal and I can't unlearn it.
What common programming mistake are you?: Getting stuck in an infinite loop. Happens every time.
Favorite thing about CS: “Solving a problem/passing all the tests after struggling with it for a long time!”

Name: Abigail Kotar (she/her)
Class year: 2023
Where I’m from: Millington, NJ
Majors/ correlates: Computer Science and Math
Something people might not know about me: I'm a co-captain for our Quidditch team the Butterbeer Broooers!
What common programming mistake are you?: Forgetting a semi-colon :(
Favorite thing about CS: Finally solving that small mistake and everything just instantly starts working. Makes you feel like a genius.

Name: Dafne Arreola (she/her)
Class year: 2026
Where I’m from: El Paso, TX
Major/ correlates: Computer Science
Something people might not know about me: My favorite cereal is Carlos V Cereal.
What common programming mistake are you?: NullPointerException, sometimes there's nothing there
Favorite thing about CS: Seeing your project compile and run properly

Name: Pablo Crisostomo Suarez (he/him)
Class year: 2025
Where I’m from: Brewster, NY
Major/ correlates: Computer Science major with a Sociology correlate
Something people might not know about me: I have been doing drag since my freshman year!
What common programming mistake are you?:Reached end of file while parsing
Favorite thing about CS: Dedicating time developing a project and seeing your vision slowly come together in real time, piece by piece


VC++ is Vassar’s only computer science centered org. Our goal is to build a strong computer science community on campus. This year we’re working on creating a student-run makerspace, setting up an interview prep & study group, and running multiple workshops.
Contact Wolff Gilligan ( for more information.