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Re: multi-level undo

That made no difference for me. Was the first thing I tried. Here is
the recipe I'm using.

Run emacs with emacspeak

Open a buffer called undo.txt

Type the following, noting the blank line between each line

This is line 1

This is line 2

This is line 3

This is line 4

With the cursor at the end, just following 4, type C-/

With emacspeak running, the cursor jumps to the end of line 3 and
deletes the contents from the cursor (now just after the 3) to the end
(i.e. following the 4 in line 4). Then, hitting C-/ again, the deleted
text is restored, however, the cursor is not moved - it stays on the
line which says, this is line 3. Hitting C-/ again deletes all text
from the cursor to the end of the buffer i.e. the blank line and the
line which says This is line 4. Hitting C-/ again restores the delted
text. Subsequent C-/ just cycles between these two states.

Now, doing the same without emacspeak loaded is very different.

With the same input file, place the cursor at the end of the last
line, following the 4. Hit C-/ deletes the line the cursor is on -
leaving the cursor at the beginning of the line. Hitting C-/ a seond
time moves the cursor to the end of the line which says This is line
3, deleting the blank line. Hitting C-/ again deletes the line the
cursor is on and leaves the cursor at the beginning of the line.
Hitting C-/ again moves the cursor to the end of the line which says
This is line 2, leaving the cursor just after the 2 and deletes the
following blank line. Hitting it again deletes the line the cursor is
on, leaving it at the beginning of the line an hitting it again, moves
the cursor to the end of the first line, just after the 1 and deletes
the blank line. Hitting it one last time and your back at the
beginning with the buffer the way it was before you typed the first
line of text.


On 20 May 2012 12:53, Jason White <jason@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Try M-x undo-only and see if that restores previous changes. It works for me.
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