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  Subject: Re: just a newbi problem, want to use festival, not flite with emacspeak

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OK I undeerstand. I know that Janina has been saying she will
resell single user runtime licenses but I guess she hasn't yet
done so.    tcross> Its nothing to do with how the server is
    tcross> implemented. It is about finding a vendor who is
    tcross> prepared to sell single runtime licenses. Last time I
    tcross> checked, the smallest number you could purchase was a
    tcross> bundle of 10 runtime licenses and this came out at a
    tcross> bit more than the cost of the SDK.
    tcross> There has been reports of some sites who have said
    tcross> they are going to sell single licenses, but last time
    tcross> I checked this was still a plan and not actually
    tcross> available.
    tcross> this issue has been raised a number of times on the
    tcross> list. If you have details of where you can purchase a
    tcross> single runtime license, it would be great if you can
    tcross> post the details so that others can take advantage of
    tcross> it and the details can go into the list archive.
    tcross> Personally, I don't think $300US is too much to pay
    tcross> for a good quality stable software TTS for Linux -
    tcross> but then again, I was lucky in that my employer
    tcross> purchased mine in return for some proof of concept
    tcross> web based speech demos.
    tcross> regards,
    tcross> Tim
    tcross> T. V. Raman writes:
    >> so why do yu ned the Viavoice sdk - the waa the emacspeak
    >> server is implemented, all you need is the runtime.
    >> >>>>> "tcross" == tcross <tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    tcross> Just a few points which may be of interest in this
    tcross> thread.
    tcross> Festival is a very powerful and configurable TTS. It
    tcross> can support quite a few different voices and has a
    tcross> lot of parameters which can be tweaked to improve
    tcross> synthesis. The "out of the box" configuration is a
    tcross> general default that is likely to meet most users
    tcross> requirements.  However, I found (quite some time ago)
    tcross> when playing with festival, I could get better
    tcross> performance tweaking some of the settings associated
    tcross> with festival and the voice tools. Unfortunately, it
    tcross> was a while ago and I dont actually remember what all
    tcross> the tweaks were.
    tcross> Festival supports voices from other sources and in
    tcross> many distributions, you will get different quality
    tcross> voices - for example, in Debian, there are both 8k
    tcross> and 16k voices for US/UK english. The 8k voices don't
    tcross> have the same quality, but will probably give better
    tcross> performance on slower machines with less memory.
    tcross> Although I've never got around to it, mbrola voices
    tcross> are supposed to provide very good quality voices with
    tcross> festival. Voices from http://www.cepstral.com can
    tcross> also be used with festival - they had a perl script
    tcross> on their website that would allow you to import a
    tcross> cepstral voice into festival. Cepstral voices are
    tcross> good quality, but they lose quality significantly at
    tcross> higher voice speaking rates. They are commercial
    tcross> voices which you have to pay for, but they do have a
    tcross> number of different languages available.
    tcross> IMO by far the best software TTS for emacspeak is
    tcross> ViaVoice, which you can purchase from
    tcross> http://www.wizzardsoftware.com. However, you have to
    tcross> purchase the SDK and it costs over $300US.
    tcross> Second best for quality of speech is the software
    tcross> dectalk. However, this TTS engine does crash
    tcross> regularly under emacspeak (it works reliably under
    tcross> speech dispatcher, but speech dispatcher is using it
    tcross> in its most basic way and does not try to use the
    tcross> in-line voice control codes emacspeak uses for voice
    tcross> locking etc). The software dectalk is available from
    tcross> http://www.fonix.com for about $100US.
    tcross> I used the softwar dectalk for quite some time and
    tcross> managed to live with the regular crashes - all you
    tcross> need to do is a C-e C-s when the TTS stops working
    tcross> and verything is restarted. Although a bit annoying,
    tcross> it provides good voice quality at high speaking
    tcross> rates, which I think is important. I now use it as my
    tcross> emergency backup TTS if I don't have a hardware
    tcross> synthesiser for backup.
    tcross> HTH
    tcross> Tim
    tcross> Lukas Loehrer writes:
    >> >> 
    >> >> Some observations:
    >> >> 
    >> >> I just tried speech dispatcher with festival again. I
    >> am >> using fspeech dispatcher via speechd-el this time. I
    >> am >> using the packages from Debian unstable.
    >> >> 
    >> >> When using the flite output module of speech
    >> dispatcher, >> responsiveness is the same as with eflite
    >> in >> emacspeak. When using the festival output module in
    >> speech >> dispatcher, some of the problems seen in espeakf
    >> go >> away. Speech stops immediately when it
    >> should. However, >> there is a noticeable pause between
    >> the moment a command >> is issued and the corresponding
    >> speech starts. I cannot >> tell if the pause is silence
    >> generated by the tts or if it >> takes that long for the
    >> speech to be synthesized. In the >> latter case, a faster
    >> machine might in fact help.
    >> >> 
    >> >> Thus, it seems that if one is looking for good >>
    >> responsiveness, festival used through either espeakf or >>
    >> speech-dispatcher should not be one's first choice. things
    >> >> look differently if priorities lie with support for >>
    >> multiple voices or languages.
    >> >> 
    >> >> Best regards, Lukas
    >> >> 
    >> >> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    >> >> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your
    >> >> address on the emacspeak list send mail to >>
    >> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of >>
    >> "unsubscribe" or "help"
    >> >> 
 > -- 
 > Tim Cross tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx
 >     tcross> 
 >     tcross> There are two types of people in IT - those who do
 >     tcross> not manage what they understand and those who do not
 >     tcross> understand what they manage.
 >     tcross> 
 >     tcross> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 >     tcross> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your
 >     tcross> address on the emacspeak list send mail to
 >     tcross> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of
 >     tcross> "unsubscribe" or "help"
 > -- 
 > Best Regards,
 > --raman
 > Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
 > WWW:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/
 > AIM:    emacspeak       GTalk: tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx
 > PGP:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/raman-almaden.asc
 > Google: tv+raman 
 > IRC:    irc://irc.freenode.net/#emacs

Tim Cross

There are two types of people in IT - those who do not manage what they 
understand and those who do not understand what they manage.

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Best Regards,

Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWW:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/
AIM:    emacspeak       GTalk: tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx
PGP:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/raman-almaden.asc
Google: tv+raman 
IRC:    irc://irc.freenode.net/#emacs

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